Waroox: And the street art was

Bordeaux, the anticafé between the 2 lockdowns My eyes always wander when my brain is in turmoil. My thoughts lead me to put my eyes on a painting whose artist is Waroox. Instantly, I am invaded by images of the world before. His works splash the greyness of this new world with freedom and life.…

Paris ZigZag, virtual guided tours for escape

Even today, guide-lecturers do not know when they will be able to resume their activity. The media Paris ZigZag, which allows you to discover Paris off the beaten track, has cancelled its guided tours during the two confinements. The guides had to adapt their services to offer them virtually. These special conditions did not dampen…

The culture put in respiratory arrest with containment

The extension of the closure, by government decision, of cultural venues such as theaters, museums, cinemas and associated events, plunges many players in the cultural sector into professional, material difficulties. Nevertheless, some are trying to develop alternatives and think about solutions to solidify an underestimated sector of activity. Farah RK "Culture is the soul of…

Spotlight on the 5th Week of Positive Cinema

No red carpet or glitter, but the love of cinema is still there! Covid obliges, this fifth edition is accessible online, but also on MyCanal and TV5 Monde, from December 10 to 16, 2020. Created five years ago under the aegis of the Cannes Film Festival, Positive Cinema Week aims to present films that carry…

Confiney but Fonkey: the melody before the pandemic

COVID, you hear about it in every sauce. However, certain impacted trades are now in the shadows. Feat went to meet them. The good news is that the prevailing gloom is not affecting creativity. Proof of this is the Parisian DJ Freddy Jay, who since March, organizes on social networks the live “Confiney mais Fonkey”.…

Akhenaton: The Green’roll Interview

See the glass half full, take advantage of the confinement to release an LP in collaboration with the beatmakers duo "Just Music Beats". Akhenaton, shows the way, the way of resilience. For Feat-y, that's the essence of being an inspiring personality. We wanted an interview, we come out with an exciting and incredibly human exchange.…

Daniel Garcia Art

Daniel Garcia's illustrations are thought-provoking. The questions raised are clearly of a societal nature. Humanity is portrayed in its shortcomings, without make-up. The pencil stroke is fair and sharp. For more than ten years, he has been illustrating the problems of our company in magazines all over the world. Here is an overview of his…