Climate change: a threat to human wellbeing and health of the planet

BERLIN, Feb 28 – Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks. People and ecosystems least able to cope are being hardest hit, said scientists in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report,…


Diamond is Forever, the engagement ring Aterrible and unknown story, halfway between Mad Men and Dallas, is buried in this 1947 slogan from the N.W. Ayer advertising agency.  Cecil Rhodes, a perfect hybrid of Trump and JR, a friendly imperialist fanatic , i might say, , got the  » bright idea « , after graduating from…

Ms. Irma’s Chinese Horoscope 2021

"Il suffira d'un signe", as Jean-Jacques Goldman used to sing. Behind this boomer reference totally assumed, in 2020, signs before the race, it's not as if there hadn't been any: When you start the year with fires in Australia, strikes in India and the death of Michou. You suspect that your dreams of life as…

Ethics in the Divinatory Arts

It's a fact: divinatory arts such as numerology, magnetism, or astrology are all the rage these days! In 2018, 19% of French people had recourse to a fortune teller*. There is now even a dedicated salon every year in Paris. This shows the infatuation that these clairvoyants can cause, especially when we know that all…

A French Yakuza tattoo artist

David Cardoso from Nice has become in a few years the reference in the world of tattooing. Seven years ago, he added a string to his bow by joining the Yakuza brotherhood of tattoo artists, the Japanese mafia. A universe that does not admit mediocrity, which is sanctioned by the amputation of the phalanges. It…

Power Dressing: I lead therefore I am

When I go back to the 80's, the taste of tagada strawberries comes back to my mouth, I visualize myself, lying down on Sunday contemplating fraggle rock, and the faces of Sue Ellen or Pamela Ewing, true stereotypes of women of the 80's, come to my mind. Sardou's song, whose misogynistic side I perceived years…

Manatthan on Vegan time

Depuis quelques années, Ronan a quitté la dame de fer pour croquer la vie et également la pomme à New-York. Référence du monde du Marketing, Il a fait un virage à 360, il y a de cela 4 ans, en prenant la décision de modifier son mode de vie pour devenir Vegan

Marry me

La bague de Fiançailles: origine non contrôlée “Diamond is Forever” ou Pourquoi la bague de fiancaille est un symbole de la demande en mariage .