The Canadian website, Corporate Knights,“The Voice of Clean Capitalism”, compiles an annual ranking of the most sustainable companies. Corporate Knights Inc. includes theCorporate Knightssustainability magazine and a research division that produces rankings and assessments of financial products based on corporate sustainability performance.
At a time when the carbon footprint is the major concern of global companies. This year the first place goes to the French company Schneider electric*.
“Over the past several decades,Schneiders has focused on data centers, storage and other distributed energy resources, as well as smart solutions that advance energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Today, Schneider derives 70 percent of its revenue from sustainable solutions and spends 73 percent of its investments on them,” said Toby Heaps, CEO of Corporate Knights
Schneider Electric was one of the first companies to embrace ESG considerations and has repeatedly reinforced its sustainability commitments in recent years.
The latest acceleration of its sustainability strategy, announced on January 25, includes six long-term commitments and eleven concrete goals, achievable by 2025.
They aim to enable Schneider, the companies and communities it serves and interacts with, to achieve the goals of sustainable development.
