Ankore: fashion for ecology

Lola Moy et Romain Durand (Ankore) :"The pieces we are going to propose are timeless" Recycling plastic from the oceans to make clothes, that's what Ankore, a company founded a year ago by two Breton, Romain Durand and Lola Moy, is launching. These two young entrepreneurs are keen to promote an ecological model with the aim…

33 francs : A creative explosion TTC

During lockdown the instagram account of 33 francs, the creative advertising agency, had the brilliant idea to offer you a visual game. The Feat-y team has succumbed to this aesthetic and funny game completely in line with the originality of this account like no other. Behind this account, we find Raphael, creator of 33 francs.…

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Unima: Access to rapid diagnosis for all.

Laura Mendoza (Unima) : "a rapid test of this kind would represent an acceleration of the diagnosis of the disease at the population level". By Jonathan Baudoin Perform a test and deliver a diagnosis in 15 minutes at a lower cost? This is the challenge that the Mexican company Unima is launching, in order to democratize…

Quentin Véron, symbiotic encounter between style, art and recycling

"My point is that recycled fur will save the craft" by Jonathan Baudoin Between industrial fur, based on fossil energy, polluting, and anti-fur, a third way exists and wants to be noticed and valued at its true value. Quentin Véron wants to highlight a production of furs entirely recycled and artisanal, and that this alternative…

Blanc Noir: Georges Goeury & Johnson Carter Feat-y:Your last title noir blanc is above all a human adventure, a symbiotic creation of a collective if I am not mistaken? Johnson Carter : So no! Guillaume and I are not in a common collective, just in indie each one on our side Georges Goeury : So no (bis)! The title is not a…

Greenmood France: “We want to bring nature back to the heart of the workplace

After the concreteization of professional spaces, has the time come to give nature its place in the workplace? The Greenmood company is convinced of this, offering various natural products, based on vegetable foam, to soundproof work spaces. Meeting with Ajay Menda, co-founder of Greenmood. Interview. Feat-Y : Could you tell us what is Greenmood and…

Manatthan on Vegan time

Depuis quelques années, Ronan a quitté la dame de fer pour croquer la vie et également la pomme à New-York. Référence du monde du Marketing, Il a fait un virage à 360, il y a de cela 4 ans, en prenant la décision de modifier son mode de vie pour devenir Vegan

Outre mer network, Un autre regard sur l’outre mer qui innove

Daniel Hersio (Outre-Mer Network): "We try to do what we call the hummingbird's share. It is modest, but we try to do it at our level. Connecting overseas companies, making them known and enabling them to develop in France and internationally, this is a task to which Outre-Mer Network and its founder Daniel Hersio have…

Coradia Continental by Alstom, the train that sets the pace

Built by Alstom, this train running in Germany is non-polluting and emits no CO2. It operates, in a revolutionary way, thanks to a hydrogen fuel cell that produces electrical energy for traction. This "zero-emission" train is low-noise and emits only water vapor and condensed water. Alstom had reached an agreement in 2014 with VMS (Verkehrsverbund…