33 francs : A creative explosion TTC

During lockdown the instagram account of 33 francs, the creative advertising agency, had the brilliant idea to offer you a visual game. The Feat-y team has succumbed to this aesthetic and funny game completely in line with the originality of this account like no other. Behind this account, we find Raphael, creator of 33 francs.…

Ads Libitum, La pub hédoniste

David Redon hides behind this instagram pseudo echoing the reminiscence of our dear Latin classes. With a background in graphic arts, he is currently Art Director in the advertising sector for over 10 years. Ads libitum is a subtle detour of the Latin phrase "ad libitum" and a play on words composed of the words…

Kyesone, self-taught and inspired

It brings us out of time and gives back its letters of nobility to this art which is played in the major. We can easily imagine Nekfeu and Greg frite as revolutionaries, Emilie Simon and Christophe Salengro illuminating the century of lights. This anachronistic synchronicity replaces art as a vestige of time and witness of…